Africa Express is a social media account under Africa's biggest bank Standard Bank.
We aim to expand African culture influence on Chinese social platforme to attract more potential business opportunities to invest in African market, the first step is to gain awareness, we then migrate the followers gained to the main social account of Standard Bank.

The visual identity was created to get more Chinese audiences engaged, and to eliminate the stereotype for Africa.

The logo design
The logo was created based on the Chinese character of “非”, which refers to the initial word of “Africa” in Chinese.The pattern was aslo similar to African type of patterns widely used for decoration.

Infographic design
Below are some Infographic design I created to help people understand information that Standard Bank delivers. It’s to ensure people engaging by following its plot and narrative, whilst gain knowledage about Africa in the aspect of agriculture, fair trade, business and investment.
Social posts
Showreel of some social posts of Africa Express I created on Wechat official accounts. The colour palette was used on the posts to display a special African style throughout all topics. the content is related to food, culture and travle, etc.
After a few months, the account has gained hundreds of followers, we also received positive comments and feedback from the audiences in China.